The ABC's of an Inspired Life

This used to be on a poster above my bed when I still lived with my parents. It really is a very inspirational poem when you are feeling like you can't take anymore! Hope you like it! The ABC's of an Inspired Life A sk for what you want . B e who you say you are . C are about others. D are to live your dreams. E ase through the day. F ind the best fit. G ive to another. H ug a friend. I nspire someone to greatness. J ump over a boundary. K ick a bad habit. L eap across a fear. M ention something uplifting. N ever say never. O pen your mind and heart. P ursue your innermost passions. Q uit complaining. R estore your smile. S et your sights high. T rust yourself. U se all the day. V alue everything. W ait until it feels right. X press yourself. Y ank weeds from your mental garden. Z oom into the now. On another note...tomorrow we go to the doctor and I am getting more and more anxious about what the doctor will let us do......