
Showing posts from 2011

Cramped For Space....

Thanks to my wonderful employer, Town of Selma, I got a paid day off today that they like to call Birthday Day Off!!!!  Which means that in the month of our birthday we can take any day we want and it doesn't go against our Vacation or Sick time!  How wonderful is that?!  So what did I do?  WORKED!!!!!   We have decided that our wonderful 2 bedroom Townhouse that we have been in since 2009 is starting to get too small for us.  With the arrival of Kaitlin 14 months ago, we just keep accumulating more and more STUFF!!!!!  I guess that is what happens with kids, right?  Anyway, Scott has also recently gotten a job working for Duke!  WHOOP, WHOOP!  So we need to get somewhere that is bigger, and in the middle of both our jobs.  So today we went house hunting...what a chore this is, so much so that I have pretty much turned all the reigns over to Scott and told him I couldn't deal with it anymore!  He can do the searching and...

Where has the time gone????

So I was thinking the other day, I haven't blogged in a long time, and when I finally got back on (I couldn't even remember my password) I realized that my last post was Oct 20, 2010 and we were hoping the doctor would let us enduce that day.  Well she didn't!  We had our beautiful daughter, Kaitlin Elizabeth on Oct 30, 2010 at 12:20 AM and she is perfect in every way.  Now let's fast forward to the present! We just celebrated Christmas at the Pickett household and it was so much fun!  Last year, Kaitlin really didn't know what was going on...she pretty much slept through the holiday, but not this year!  She will be 14 months on the 30 of this month and she was all into the holiday spirit!  Scott and I decided early that we won't going to go crazy on her gifts, but we did want to get her one big present so we made a list, gave some ideas to the grandparents and went from there. Christmas Eve it is always tradition to spend with my family, so we went to ...