Where has the time gone????

So I was thinking the other day, I haven't blogged in a long time, and when I finally got back on (I couldn't even remember my password) I realized that my last post was Oct 20, 2010 and we were hoping the doctor would let us enduce that day.  Well she didn't!  We had our beautiful daughter, Kaitlin Elizabeth on Oct 30, 2010 at 12:20 AM and she is perfect in every way.  Now let's fast forward to the present!

We just celebrated Christmas at the Pickett household and it was so much fun!  Last year, Kaitlin really didn't know what was going on...she pretty much slept through the holiday, but not this year!  She will be 14 months on the 30 of this month and she was all into the holiday spirit!  Scott and I decided early that we won't going to go crazy on her gifts, but we did want to get her one big present so we made a list, gave some ideas to the grandparents and went from there.

Christmas Eve it is always tradition to spend with my family, so we went to my mom and dad's house and had a nice dinner and opened gifts there.  Our 4 year old nephew, Austin, got a 4-wheeler for Christmas and we watched him ride in the backyard and fields during the afternoon, although it was freezing outside and couldn't stay out there long.  The 4-wheeler was probably the present of the night and is good becasue that is something all the grandchildren can enjoy (although Kaitlin will have a few years before her daddy and mommy will let her get on it, LOL). 

Kaitlin got a lot of nice things as well, and her big gift from Mema and Papa was a toy box!  Scott says this was his favorite present of the season for her!  A place to store all her toys and get them out of our living room!  Below is a picture of her when she got her toy box, you will have to excuse the tears, she was getting very sleepy!

Chrstmas morning was all for mommy and daddy.  We were so excited to give Kaitlin the gifts that we had gotten for her, but more important we were excited to start our own family traditions with our first born!  We got up early and went ahead and got ready for the day, we had to be at Scott's dad's by 8:30 for Christmas Breakfast...at 7:00, Scott went into Kaitlin's room and actually had to wake her up and he brought her downstairs.  We had gotten her a kitchen and put all her presents around it, and when she came downstairs she walked into the living room and looked at all the things and she said "Wow...what's that!"  My sweet buggie!  She knew what to do, she went and played with her kitchen and started opening her presents!  She also got a Mickey Mouse Clubhouse Video (which we HAD to put in the DVD player for her to watch, she kept pointing at the TV and grunting...it's funny what they know at such a young age).  She also got a Baby Einstein reader, some Purple/Gold Puddle Jumpers, and then a Hallmark Mickey Ornament from me (tradition).  All in all it was a good Christmas for her :)

So our next stop on Christmas 2011 was to Scott's dad's house!  We always have breakfast with them and it is ALWAYS so good!  We spent a good part of the morning with them before we had to make the drive to Roanoke Rapids and Kaitlin got a lot of nice things from Grandma and Grandpa Pickett!  She got a My Very First Laptop, and some clothes and then a stocking filled with all kinds of goodies!

Our next stop on our Christmas 2011 adventures was Roanoke Rapids, to spend time with Scott's mom, sister, Uncles and cousins!  Kaitlin got a baby doll and some blocks.   

Christmas is always so exhausting but we love every minute of it and are so thankful that Kaitlin has a love of travel like we do! 

This year we have been hit with a lot of sadness...with the loss of two uncles on my side and then Scott's Nana, and to have a good Christmas with our family who loves us unconditionally meant a lot to the both of us.  We are excited to see what 2012 is going to bring.

One of my resolutions is going to be to blog more so let's see how I do this time around!!!!

Talk to you all soon!!!!!!


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