Welcome Back--Meal Prepping!!!

Wow, it's been YEARS!  So, what have I been up to since my last post...we added an addition to our family, Emily Brooklyn--she is now 6 years old and in the 1st grade!  She is following in her sisters footsteps and is a Princeton Little League Cheerleader.  She is very expressive, has some pretty good zingers at times, and is spoiled rotten!!!!  William is 9 years old and in the 4th grade!  He is so smart, it amazes me how much he can hold in his little brain.  He loves playing baseball and basketball; but is also into gaming!  Kaitlin, our oldest, is now 12--I can't even believe it!  She is the 6th grade and is a Middle School Cheerleader!!!  We could not be more proud of her accomplishments!

Kaitlin isn't big on me taking pictures anymore...this is here at the last basketball game, I caught her by surprise :)

This is from this summer, William made the All-Stars team for Princeton!  He loves baseball!

Brooklyn at Little League Night at the High School!  My girl is a true Bulldog!  Loves cheering and watching the teams play!

Scott is still working for Duke, but due to COVID he is 100% working from home.  We built a house right behind my parents in 2019 and we are loving Country life!  I started working at the Town of Benson in 2014 and this past October, was named Town Manager!!  On top of that, I am in my sixth year of serving on the Princeton Elementary PTA Board, currently serving as President; and I'm an Assistant Coach to Brooklyn's cheerleading squad!!  To say we are busy is a complete UNDERSTATEMENT!

Scott and Me at the Fireman's Ball this year!

My first Mule Days as the Town Manager!  Riding on the wagon in the biggest parade in NC!

My family this past November at our favorite place, Fainting Goat (in Benson).  This was at the new manager reception held by the amazing Benson Chamber!

In November, I told Scott that I was getting tired of eating the same meals over and over again...do you ever get that way??  He does the majority of our cooking, so it wasn't anything against him, but I was just tired of chicken thighs, pizza, pork chops, steak, dinner out, repeat!  Ya know!  Side note-I keep a monthly house calendar on our fridge, it helps keep up with EVERYTHING we have going on!  So for the month of December, I told him I was going to meal prep for the entire month!  Completely new meals, with a day of leftovers/fridge cleanout night so our fridge doesn't get overly cluttered, and fewer nights out in restaurants, to help save money.  

So, I'm going to use this blog to post our monthly calendar--maybe it will help another busy mom out.  And then I'll post how the meals went over in my family!  Since we are already at the end of December, I'll catch everyone up!  

Here is our December Calendar!  I try to keep us as organized as possible...color coded for each person and meals in black!  It was a busy month!

I have one other resolution that I will be keeping up with on here, but I'll save that for another day!  

I hope everyone had a great 2022, mine for sure came with many challenges...but I'm hoping that 2023 is better!


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